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NoBBS4CCS - Final Homepage

Note: This content was originally hosted at during the 2022 CCS school board election.

I know it’s traditional to congratulate candidates on their wins, but I would actually like to congratulate the parents of CCS students on the election of Kristin Kouka and Jennifer Nelson-Williams to the board.

You are far from a politically homogenous group, but when you saw a trio of politically motivated, highly partisan candidates misrepresenting and lying about our schools, our teachers and our students, you collectively stood up and said: No. Not on our watch.

Without your willingness to put yourselves out there and capitalize on every opportunity to push back against the propaganda, this nationally driven movement would’ve steamrolled our school board. Your efforts were inspiring and I count myself lucky and proud to be able to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with such a fantastic group.

I’ve questioned whether to leave this site up after the election and have decided that it will stay for two reasons:

1) We do have one member of the BBS slate joining the school board. I think it’s important to remember the degree to which his campaign had to misrepresent our schools and misinform our community to get him there.

2) When we’re facing the next election in 2024 and there’s another wave of misinformation, the community needs to remember that those tactics are nothing new.

Thank you to the thousands of people who’ve visited this site over the past month, as well as all of you who took the time to send lovely messages of support or thoughtful follow-up questions.


Jim May

November 10, 2022

I've never been a person who seeks out or particularly enjoys the spotlight. It just kind of happened in this instance, as I ended up in a position to grab a megaphone and felt like someone had to.

Over the past month, I have received messages of support and concern from an incredible number of parents of Carmel Clay Schools students. I am thrilled to be able to the share the spotlight with a small portion of them in the above video.

If you're still preparing to vote in this year's election, I hope that you'll listen to what they have to say. I also hope that you'll talk to other parents and teachers in our community about the state of our local

schools. It's far, far different than what the candidates backed by a national big-money-and-anti-public-school movement would have you believe.



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