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From CCS to the Ivy League

A parent who's had three kids go through Carmel Clay Schools submitted this wonderful story of how our schools contributed to her childrens' success. She took the accompanying photo while attending parents' weekend at Harvard, where her middle child is one of FIVE '23 CHS graduates now attending the school.

People in our sports-obsessed times would cock their head incredulously and raise an eyebrow in disbelief when I would tell them as a former four-year, light-blue-and-white-clad D1 collegiate athlete at a famously sports-dominant “top 5” public university, that I wanted our kids to focus on ACADEMICS first, not sports. But CCS didn’t think it was a weird parental notion at all.


Our kids were in the awesome former gifted/talented Challenge Program at Cherry Tree, continued with honors classes at Carmel Middle, and finished with a beautifully individualized mix of many honors, AP and IB classes at CHS. They did this while fully engaged in HiLite, the tremendous CHS performing arts programs, JV cross country and track, and various clubs.


I can’t fully express how wonderful and supportive our CCS teachers, counselors, administrators, librarians, coaches, and parental community have been to our three kids over the past 16 years. They’ve gone above and beyond to help them every step of the way and it will be bittersweet when our youngest graduates from CHS in a few short months.


Because of CCS, we’re now the proud Ivy League parents of a Class of ‘25 Brown University student, a Class of ‘27 Harvard student, and a future Class of ‘28 Davidson College student.

Thank you, CCS schools! 

- A CCS Mom

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