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Announcing Eyes on Education

If you're the parent of an Indiana public school student and would like to share something from your child's school that impressed you and made you grateful, you can have it featured in the new Eyes on Education section of the Carmel Schools Dad website.

Here are the rules:

  1. Email your story to Feel free to include an image to support your point, but please do not send images that show students or school staff.

  2. Share positive stories only. If you have a negative story to share, the state of Indiana has already provided you with a taxpayer-funded website.

  3. Unless you request otherwise, when I share your story, I will include your first name & last initial, as well as the name of your school district (but not the individual school).

  4. There will be no intentional or accidental doxing on Eyes on Education. If you include names or identifying information of school staff or students, they will be removed when your story is shared.

Thanks in advance to everyone who participates. Our teachers need our support and our communities need to hear our voices as a balance to the propaganda!

If you're still reading and wondering why I'm launching Eyes on Education, here are the stats from the latest Gallup poll of how parents feel about the quality of their own kids' education:

  • 35% - Completely Satisfied

  • 41% - Somewhat Satisfied

  • 12% - Somewhat Dissatisfied

  • 9% - Completely Dissatisfied

  • 2% - Kids just starting school

In Indiana, members of our government who claim to stand for parents' rights are dead set on focusing exclusively on a vocal subset of the 9% above, despite the fact that doing so means ignoring or silencing 76% of parents. With the Eyes on Education section of this website, I hope to share and amplify the voices of that 76%.


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