About Me
If you’re on this page, I’m guessing you’d like to know why this site’s here.
During the 2022 school board election, a trio of candidates tried to take over our local school board so that they could push their political and social views on our kids. They used a misinformation playbook that was deployed in suburbs across the country. I took the lies spread by them and their supporters personally, as they were directly attacking my kids’ school, district and teachers, as well as our community at large. So I started a simple website to push back. It got some traction. The content from that site is archived here if you’re interested, under the 'CCS 2022 Election' category on the All News page.
By the time I got involved in 2022, a whole lot of other informed, concerned parents and community members had already organized and been fighting back against the propaganda. Even more joined in. There were three great candidates to rally behind. In the end, common sense mostly prevailed. Two of the three great candidates were elected.
Unfortunately, now that I was paying attention, it was obvious the attacks would continue. Locally, we have Moms For Liberty and their accomplices actively spreading misinformation through social media and attempting to recruit new members to their cause. At the state level, the Indiana General Assembly has been extremely influenced by deep-pocketed special interests. Our legislators routinely take stances and pass laws intended to make public school education a wedge to divide our communities. They then use the resulting controversies as justification for diverting billions of taxpayer dollars to private entities with little-to-no accountability or oversight.
In early 2023, I decided there might be some value in launching a new site, dedicated to providing data and fact checking on various claims made about both Indiana public schools in general and our local schools specifically. My hope is that it provides parents, citizens and members of the media with data-driven insight into some of the misinformation spread about our public schools.
As to who I am when I'm not running this site: I’m fortunate to have an incredible wife, kids and dog. I’ve worked in marketing for the past twenty-some years, almost exclusively focused on helping companies with highly complex products reach audiences with varied levels of technical knowledge.